Upholstered Sitting Bench Plans
The Accent Piece
Dimension all of your boards according to the cut list above. Start with the 4 leg pieces (A); they will be 17” long.
Stretcher attachment
Attach the stretcher (Part B) to the legs using wood glue and pocket holes.
Repeat for the other set of legs.
Attaching the angled pieces
Attach the angled pieces (Part D) to the floating stretcher (Part C) using wood glue and pocket holes.
Repeat on the other side. The angled pieces are intentionally left long so that they can be trimmed to size.
Laying it out and marking
Lay the assembled legs over the angled pieces. Make sure that the outside edges are aligned. Mark where to trim the angled pieces (Parts D).
Trim the excess with a jigsaw. Once it is trimmed, the angles should be aligned correctly with the legs.
Flip the legs over. Attach the floating stretcher 4” from the bottom.
Repeat on the other side.
Attaching the legs
Attach the top stretcher (Part E) to the legs using wood glue and pocket holes.
Attaching the benchtops
Attach both benchtop pieces (Parts F) together with pocket holes. If needed, joint the edges for a clean seam.
Bench to stretcher
Attach the benchtop (Part F) to the stretcher (Part E) from the underside in order to hide the screws.
Job done
Your bench is now complete! You can now move on the the upholstery portion of the project. Details for that can be found in this post.
Milescraft PocketHoleJig
Milescraft Pocket Hole Screws
Miter Saw
Table Saw
Orbital Sander
Wood Glue
Face Clamp
Power Drill
Speed Square
Part / Count / Cut List:
A / 4 /2×2, 17” long
B / 2 / 2×2, 9” long
C / 1 /2×2, 29.5” long
D / 4 / 2×2, 15” long (intentionally left long – will be trimmed later to size). One side cut at a 60 degree angle
E / 1 / 1×6, 50” long
F / 2 / 2×8, 60” long